- Support entrepreneurship and local small businesses as the foundation for a thriving economy.
- Streamline the process for permitting, and supporting local cannabis farmers, recognizing their importance to our county. Vote No on MEASURE A, it is not the right solution. Work towards collaborative and sustainable solutions that address community concerns.
- Create an environment that fosters the growth of new and existing businesses, providing job opportunities and contributing to our local economy.
- Prioritize partnerships and initiatives that align with our community's environmental values while promoting economic growth.
- Support reasonable rules related to land use and environmental stewardship, push back against government overreach and plans that cripple our local business & landowners.
“We will know we have reached success when we have a balanced approach that respects private property rights, promotes environmental stewardship and values sustainable economic development.”
- Balance the 17 million dollar deficit without impacting essential services.
- Implement internal measures to ensure efficient and effective operations, minimizing discretionary spending.
- Prioritize taking care of our roads and maintaining our infrastructure so we can welcome new growth.
- Advocate for Measure Z funds to fund imperative positions in our rural areas including Police, Fire, EMS and roads.
“Citizens deserve and should require public officials to be good stewards of their hard-earned taxpayer dollars.”
- Lead by example, conducting myself in a manner that shows what it means to be transparent, diplomatic and to serve with integrity.
- Foster open lines of respectful communications and discussions to create an environment of trust and transparency.
- Establish fair but clear expectations of staff and then follow through for accountability.
- Work from a common ground starting place to allow for positive progress, utilizing compromise when necessary for the greater good of Humboldt.
- Advocate passionately and fiercely in a respectful way to communicate my values as a leader and your District 2 Supervisor.
"Let's elect a supervisor who can bridge differences and propel us forward."
- Champion law enforcement, fire services, and emergency medical services as they form the cornerstone of community well-being.
- Advocate for affordable and accessible health care throughout the 2nd District meeting the needs of individuals, families and seniors.
- Encourage residents to do their part to fight climate change by empowering them with information, tools and incentives to adapt.
"It's pretty simple, safe communities start with adequate funding."
- Provide access to affordable and diverse treatment options, including counseling, therapy, support groups and rehabilitation programs for those suffering from addiction and mental health disorders.
- Provide social services support as a part of the recovery process, helping individuals become contributing members in our community.
- Improve transportation options in our rural areas for individuals and families seeking services.
- Implement early intervention programs in schools and communities to identify and assist individuals showing early signs of substance abuse or at-risk behaviors. Early detection and intervention is key.
- Monitor programs with data collection, analysis and performance metrics to ensure effectiveness.
“True community is evident when we can accept we have differences, then come together and find solutions for the well-being of ALL of our citizens, even the most vulnerable.”
- Encourage construction of affordable, energy-efficient housing by utilizing incentives and expedited permitting while reducing regulatory barriers for local builders.
- Using land use policy reform as a tool to create more options for housing growth.
- Support sensible land use regulations/policy reform and advocate for rezoning of underutilized areas.
“By working together and bridging differences, we CAN solve our housing shortage. Let’s ensure everyone has a place to call home.”